Totally TINA's Dancers
Hi there, I'm Frankie!
I joined in Christmas 2014. I was very lucky to have my very first gig in Sunny Costa del Sol!!
Even though the gig meant we were away from our families at Christmas we all had a lovely time and even got our bikinis on as we rehearsed by the pool with all the choreography on videos on the ipad … fab way to spent Christmas day!
I was very impressed with Justines (Tina) ability to drive a hire car on the opposite side and on the opposite side of the road, not to mention her ability to speak Spanish … skills!!
Many other gigs I have done have ranged from London to Skegness but again I was lucky enough to head to Spain for the second time this time to Murcia where we performed In the most amazing Theatre.
This gig was one of my faves as it meant I got to perform with more dancers and the live band!! It was so much fun sharing the stage with the majority of the cast … I think rocking out to addicted with jimmy was a highlight … oh and that cute waiter we saw in a restaurant we were at ;)
All of the cast have made me feel so welcome and even though some time may pass in-between shows we do together we always have a laugh!!
The Totally Tina show is just one of my many jobs … I teach street dance full time Monday – Friday for a local football club were I deal with children and adults mainstream an disability averaging on 150 people per week.
I teach in a theatre school on Sundays and a dance school on Monday evening.
I also have 2 shows every Saturday night in a residency on the Albert Dock in Liverpool … I can't keep still as you can tell! As much as I love my day jobs teaching, performing is definitely where my heart is. Some of my previous performances have involved a uk arena tour with JLS, Electric Daisy Carnival, Music videos, Tv extra work, and abroad contracts.
Totally Tina has to be one of my favourite shows I have taken part in because I love every song!! You cant help but shake your shimmy to almost every track and everybody knows a little booty pop is my signature move!
There’s not been one TT gig that I have not seen the audience up on their feet and dancing along with us so that just shows how much people love this show, from beginning to end we perform to our ultimate maximum to put on the best show possible even when we are smiling till our cheeks ache at the meet and greet after the show closes.
Look forward to more fun shows in the future.
Frankie xx